Wednesday 26 May 2010

Irrational Science Denial

TED Video: The danger of science denial:

People wrap themselves in their beliefs, and they do it so tightly that you can't set them free. Not even the truth will set them free. And, listen, everyone's entitled to their opinion; they're even entitled to their opinion about progress, but you know what you're not entitled to? You're not entitled to your own facts. Sorry, you're not.

There are questions and problems with the people we used to believe were always right. So be skeptical. Ask questions, demand proof, demand evidence. Don't take anything for granted. But here's the thing: When you get proof, you need to accept the proof, and we're not that good at doing that.

Now, we love to wrap ourselves in lies. We love to do it. Everyone take their vitamins this morning? Echinacea, a little antioxidant to get you going. I know you did because half of Americans do every day. They take the stuff, and they take alternative medicines, and it doesn't matter how often we find out that they're useless. The data says it all the time. They darken your urine. They almost never do more than that.

Well, I think I understand, we hate big pharma. ... So we run away from it, and where do we run? We leap into the arms of big placebo. ... But, you know, it's really a serious thing because this stuff is crap...

And you know what? When I say this stuff, people scream at me, and they say, "What do you care? Let people do what they want to do. it makes them feel good." And you know what? You're wrong. Because I don't care if it's the secretary of H.H.S. who's saying, "Hmm, I'm not going to take the evidence of my experts on mammograms," or some cancer quack who wants to treat his patient with coffee enemas. When you start down the road where belief and magic replace evidence and science, you end up in a place you don't want to be. You end up in Thabo Mbeki South Africa. He killed 400,000 of his people by insisting that beetroot garlic and lemon oil were much more effective than the antiretroviral drugs we know can slow the course of AIDS.

Watch for more.


Lesley said...

Blimey you are hyped up today.. who's been naffing you off?

Unknown said...

The text is from the video.

Lesley said...

I enjoyed the video.. one for the blog tomorrow. I can see why you don't like post modernity